What is the meaning of preprocessor in C programming langauge

                                       The Preprocessor

Hello friends, we will learn about preprocessor in c. basic and interesting topic in c-language.

its meaning is same as its name. preprocessor is a program which relates from source code(c language code).we can say that preprocessor is a medium which translate the source code into expanded source code.it is a program that processes our source program before it is passed to the compiler.first of all ,programmer writes the source code without knowing the preprocessor, when programmer has completed their coding then programmer compile it. So before compiling source code, the code will refer to the preprocessor program then preprocessor works on 'source code' and change into 'expanded source code'. If your source code file saved to pr1.c so your 'expanded source code' file will be save pr1.I . Then your own program refer to compiler and change into machine code.
Some preprocessor commands define in C programming language, preprocessor command also known as preprocessor directive.before  Define in preprocessor directives, we using (#) hash symbol. Some preprocessor directives here :-
1.MACRO defintion
2.file inclusion
3.Conditional compilation
4.Miscellaneous directives

